Mint Chutney Recipe by Gowri Chebbi
Delight in the refreshing and spicy notes of this mint chutney, perfect as a side dip or spread for a variety of dishes.
- 1 bunch of fresh mint
- ½ cup channa dhal (black gram dhal)
- 8 to 10 dry red chilies
- 2 to 3 green chilies
- 1 tsp tamarind
- ¼ cup dry or fresh coconut
- Water, as needed for grinding
- Salt to taste
1. In a pan, dry roast the channa dhal, dry red chilies, and mint leaves separately.
2. Combine the roasted ingredients with green chilies, tamarind, coconut, salt, and a bit of water in a blender.
3. Grind the mixture into a thick paste consistency.
4. Serve and enjoy with your preferred dish!